(find Ross’s books & vinyl here)
An excerpt from Be Holding, Lit Hub, September 2020
An excerpt from Be Holding, Brooklyn Poets, November 2021
“Ode to the Flute,” New York Times Magazine, April 2016
“A Small Needful Fact,” Split This Rock, April 2016
"Sharing with the Ants" in The Rumpus, March 2015
"Weeping," in Gulf Coast, Fall 2014
“Opening,” in Oversound, Fall 2014
“Ending the Estrangement,” in Taos Journal of International Poetry and Art, Summer 2014
“Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude,” in Waxwing, Summer 2014
“C’mon!” and “Last Will and Testament,” in Kinfolks: A Journal of Black Expression, Summer 2014
“Burial,” and “Patience” in Solstice, Winter 2013/14
“Letters from Two Gardens,” in Orion, Jan/Feb 2014
“Ode to the Mistake” in Forklift, Ohio, Spring 2013
“Ode to Sleeping in My Clothes,” in Massachusetts Review, Spring 2012
“Grace” and “Ode to the Flute,” in Nashville Review, Spring 2011
“Love, You Got Me Good,” in Gulf Coast, Spring 2009
“Two Bikers Embrace on Broad Street,” American Poetry Review, 2006
Through the Academy of American Poets:
Through the Poetry Foundation:

One Million Kisses, Sweet Need, & Braces on Adults
Read three essayettes at LitHub here
Lord Let Me & Defenestration
“Why I am so inclined to tell you the finest bit of high school ball playing I have ever seen I’m not exactly sure, though I am, and given as I have seen in my days a lot of ball (funny, that sounded like an old man talking, which I am not, and I have enough old friends and relatives who have earned the designation so let me not diminish their designation by claiming it), you might listen up. And you know, at the same time, grain of salt. . . “
Read more at Bookforum
Have I Even Told You Yet About the Courts I’ve Loved?
“The very first would be the ones in the apartments where I grew up, where I have the firm memory of my father dunking while still wearing his Pizza Hut duds—my brother confirms this—, and where I marked spots (x’s with medical tape) to practice for the hot shot competition, shoveling snow from the court. . .”
Read more at LitHub
Loitering is Delightful
“I’m sitting at a café in Detroit where in the door window is the sign with the commands
stacked like an anvil. I have a fiscal relationship which I developed by buying a coffee . . .”
Read more at The Paris Review
Joy is Such a Human Madness: The Duff Between Us
“So writes Zadie Smith toward the end of her beautiful essay “Joy.” She gets there by explaining that she has an almost constitutional proclivity toward being pleased. She is a delight to cook for, she suggests, because your pancakes will be the best pancakes she has ever eaten! And she has what I consider the wonderful quality . . .”
Read more at The On Being Project